• Research Reports and other Outputs

How to Promote Good Governance in Coaching: The PEAK Research Report

The Research Report sets the context and background for the project. It provides an overview of the ‘state of the art’ in Coaching policy, including good governance, measures for the coaching systems, regulations in coaching, volunteerism and women in coaching. The report informs about methodological considerations for good practice analysis, and makes recommendations for concept and content development.

PEAK Research Report

Preliminary Recommendations for European Sport Coaching Policy and Validation Methodology

The Methodology Document for Good Practice Analysis and the Framework Development of PEAK is based on the results of the Literature Review. The report provides concrete recommendations for the development of the good governance policy framework.

PEAK Good Practice Recommendations

Good Practice Report

The Good Practice Report, including the mapping study, consists of different parts, such as definitions as well as examples of Coaching Policies and Good Governance Practices in European Countries.

PEAK EU Mapping Good Practice Analysis Report

Framework for Coaching Policies: Nine Good Governance Recommendations

The Framework for Coaching Policies includes good governance model policies related to the different elements of a coaching system (including coach education standards, licensing, recruitment of under-represented groups into coaching (women, coaches of athletes with a disability, newcomers, etc.), coaching ethics and child protection, coach representation, working conditions and quality assurance) and a set of good governance policy recommendations for governments, national and international federations and coaching bodies, jointly developed by all stakeholder groups.

PEAK Framework English

PEAK Framework French

PEAK Framework German

PEAK Framework English

Quality in Coaching Model and Good Governance Self-Assessment Tool

The Quality in Coaching model and Good Governance Self-Assessment Tool provides organisations with a process to assess the current status of their coaching system and related policies, and to identify priorities for improvement.  It provides governments with a common starting point to compare the stage of development of coaching within the organisations under their jurisdiction.

Online Version for National Agencies

Online Version for National Federations

Handbook for Developing & Implementing Effective Coaching Policies & Good Governance in Coaching

The Handbook provides European sport federations, governments and coaching organisations with a recommended process to develop coaching policy collaboratively.

PEAK Handbook English

PEAK Handbook French

PEAK Handbook German

PEAK Handbook English

Quality Assurance Report

The report will contain a reflection of the project’s activities and a review of the quality of its outputs. This report will assess the quality of results obtained by the project, foster transparency and provide detailed and reliable information on the project.

Quality Assurance Report